Empowering Space Mission Planners
From integrated machine learning to our robust orbital propagation engine, CoSMOS features facilitate the rapid assessment, comparison, and optimization of space mission communication solutions.

Flexible Mission Definition
Upload custom trajectories or define your mission orbit directly.
Support for Earth and lunar domain missions.
Define and use mission objectives and/or limitations to drive analyses.

Network Assets Database
Network characteristics are pre-populated in the CoSMOS database.
Network options that align with mission communication needs are instantly filtered based on requirements.
Communications payload catalogs support quick evaluation.

Predictive Analyses
A machine learning toolbox provides rapid estimation of coverage, latency, and SWaP by dynamically fitting regression curves, drawing on prior models or user-provided data; reduces the time to evaluate performance and make decisions.
Compare Network’s Performance
CoSMOS provides a service comparison panel that empowers mission planners to rank multiple support solution options for their system. Mission planners can rank support solution options using predefined algorithms or design customized JavaScript algorithms. The latter allows the assignment of additional weight to performance metrics that are deemed most critical, such as user communications payload burden, RF coverage time, average number of gaps between contacts, and data rate.

SWaP Estimate
Using its own internal space qualified hardware database, analytical regression engine and engineering formulas, CoSMOS is able to provide aerospace engineers with a true estimate of the Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) of their communications payload equipment, where applicable. This is an essential design attribute for architecting any space mission.
Value Proposition
Operating in space is complex, but understanding the communications and network solution space doesn’t have to be. Teltrium’s CoSMOS software framework is designed to make space communications planning and analyses easy and efficient. Mission planners, independent of objective and domain, benefit from CoSMOS’ supporting database of operational and planned networks and comm payloads, technical depth and customization, and rapid analyses that leverages predictive analytics in addition to high fidelity simulation.

Ready To Test CoSMOS?
Teltrium is a technical services company that provides systems engineering and project execution support and capabilities to satellite communications and spectrum management technology programs for NASA and other customers. We’re a small company focused on nurturing an agile and innovative team, developing creative and high-quality solutions for our unique customers.